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Uber Eats Now Offers Post-Checkout ads for Brands!...

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, businesses are always looking for innovative ways to reach their customers. In recent years, Uber has sought to diversify its revenue streams beyond its core ride-hailing business, and the introduction of Uber Eats has

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What every business owner needs to know (Are sales...

Marketing and sales are often confused with one another, but they’re actually two different departments that work together to build a business. Marketing is the art of creating awareness for your product or service in order to generate leads—people who

white printing paper with Marketing Strategy text

Building a strong marketing data strategy

When it comes to marketing, data is everywhere. There has never been such a wealth of customer data available from so many different sources. And while it can be tempting to capture as much information as possible, without the right

How your branding style affects consumer behavior

Social media, and specifically brand-based online communities, have revolutionized consumer-brand interactions. For the first time ever, the brand itself can converse with consumers. Hence a key question emerges: how should brands communicate with their fans in these communities? Definition: The marketing

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